Pastoral Leadership Transition
God is moving us into a new season of promise! See the transition timeline, view a short video from Pastors Karl and Josh and read letters from Pastor Karl, Pastor Josh and our Elder Board through our Pastoral Leadership Transition page.
Whether you're gathering online or on campus, we are glad God led you to Gateway. It doesn't matter how you're dressed, how many tattoos you have, or what High School you attended—you matter to God and to us. We are a family of imperfect people sharing the perfect love of God.
Don't Google It: Searching For Answers From A Better Source
In an age where answers are just a search bar away, it's easy to turn to the internet for guidance on the most important questions of life. How should we navigate our relationships? What’s the right way to view our resources? Who Is God, really? What’s our ultimate purpose? And how do we do the whole parenting thing? While Google may offer countless opinions, trends and theories, none of them can compare to the timeless truth found in God's Word.
In this five-week series, Don't Google It, we’ll redirect our searching away from worldly answers and look to God as the ultimate source of truth, discovering God’s design for our relationships, wisdom for stewarding our resources, identity according to scripture, purpose for our lives, and desire for our parenting. Let’s stop asking the internet questions only God can answer and start searching His Word for the truth that transforms.
In this five-week series, Don't Google It, we’ll redirect our searching away from worldly answers and look to God as the ultimate source of truth, discovering God’s design for our relationships, wisdom for stewarding our resources, identity according to scripture, purpose for our lives, and desire for our parenting. Let’s stop asking the internet questions only God can answer and start searching His Word for the truth that transforms.
02.16.25 // Relationships / Karl Schad, Senior Pastor
02.23.25 // God / Josh Huckabay, Senior Pastor-In-Waiting
03.02.25 // Money / Josh Huckabay, Senior Pastor-In-Waiting
03.09.25 // Purpose / Karl Schad, Senior Pastor
03.16.25 // Parenting / Karl Schad, Senior Pastor
02.23.25 // God / Josh Huckabay, Senior Pastor-In-Waiting
03.02.25 // Money / Josh Huckabay, Senior Pastor-In-Waiting
03.09.25 // Purpose / Karl Schad, Senior Pastor
03.16.25 // Parenting / Karl Schad, Senior Pastor

Gateway Singles at Forest Park
Saturday, March 22 @ 4:00 pm
Gateway singles, we're headed to Forest Park! Meet at Gateway to carpool at 4:00 pm. We'll tour the MO History Museum, paddleboat or kayak in the lake and enjoy dinner at The Boathouse (your only expense). Sign up soon!

Men's Beast Feast
Saturday, April 5 @ 11:30 am
Men, you're invited to our 3rd annual Beast Feast, featuring guest speaker Mike Matheny, former St. Louis Cardinals player and manager! This year, we're including a BBQ Competition, in addition to our always popular cornhole tournament. Please bring your favorite BBQ side dish to share and invite your guy friends to come with you. Be sure to sign up by April 2!

Easter Bash
Wednesday, April 16 @ 6:00 pm
We're excited to host our Easter Bash again this year! We’ll have food, games, Lego builds and more. We'll also have egg hunts for kids and teens. We hope you'll join us for this free community event!