Thank you so much for willingness to help with Gateway’s Operation Storehouse! Many in our Gateway family have offered to help shop, stock and drop off staple groceries for those in need. Like Joseph’s Storehouse (Genesis 41) and the First Church (Acts 6), we have an opportunity to help provide food for those in need. May the Lord bless your service!
The need for basic groceries has increased for the vulnerable and impoverished. Many people would like to help others during this time but don’t know how. We can show Christ-centered compassion by coordinating and leveraging a portion of Gateway’s facility as a storehouse to receive and distribute staple groceries. The strategy is simple and allows our church family to actively share the love of Christ with our community in a tangible way.
It is important to note that this is not a food pantry for the general public to shop. Please do not refer people to shop here—they will not be allowed to enter the storehouse. Instead, get them on the Drop Off list to receive groceries by contacting the church office. While we are not a food pantry open to the public, we are a storehouse of managed goods and Gateway volunteers. Also, we are currently limiting the stockers and droppers to Gateway members/attenders only. This helps us to honor safety regulations with volunteers that are known. Individuals outside of Gateway can shop and donate groceries to the storehouse.
Modeled after Joseph’s Storehouse (Genesis 41) and the Early Church’s Feeding Initiative (Acts 6) to receive a food surplus and then redistribute it to those in need, we will offer a distribution storehouse utilizing 3 levels of volunteerism.
Modeled after Joseph’s Storehouse (Genesis 41) and the Early Church’s Feeding Initiative (Acts 6) to receive a food surplus and then redistribute it to those in need, we will offer a distribution storehouse utilizing 3 levels of volunteerism.
- SHOPPERS — We invite volunteers to pick up extra staple groceries (list provided below) for Operation Storehouse. After the groceries are purchased, they can be brought to Gateway at a scheduled time and left for the next level of volunteers to stock.
- STOCKERS — The stockers will organize the staple goods into designated shelves. The stockers may pack bags of groceries that will be dropped off by the next group of volunteers.
- DROPPERS — These are individuals willing to drive to Gateway at a scheduled time, bag or pick-up pre-packed groceries in the Storehouse and deliver them to a doorstep—think DoorDash for Jesus. The recipients can be shut- ins, singles, struggling parents, family, friends, and of course, church members in need.
We have set up a SignUpGenius page to coordinate our volunteers. Please access the page to view available time slots for all volunteer options.
- Milk (fresh and powder)
- Cheese and butter
- Lunch meat
- Eggs
- Rice, beans
- Breakfast cereal, oatmeal
- Canned meals (spaghetti, ravioli, chili, etc...)
- Canned meats and fish (chicken, tuna, etc...)
- Canned vegetables (corn, baked beans, green beans, etc...)
- Soups
- Bread, crackers
- Pancake mix (add water) and syrup
- Pasta and sauces
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Fruit (fresh and canned)
- Juice
- Protein bars, granola bars
- Baby formula and food
- Pedialyte
- Ensure/Boost
- Diapers & pull-ups (any size)
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Liquid hand soap
- Hand sanitizer
- Clorox wipes
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
- Laundry detergent