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Pastoral Leadership Transition

God is moving us into a new season of promise! See the transition timeline, view a short video from Pastors Karl and Josh and read letters from Pastor Karl, Pastor Josh and our Elder Board through our Pastoral Leadership Transition page.


Whether you're gathering online or on campus, we are glad God led you to Gateway. It doesn't matter how you're dressed, how many tattoos you have, or what High School you attended—you matter to God and to us. We are a family of imperfect people sharing the perfect love of God.


Walking in Wisdom // A Study in Proverbs

The book of Proverbs offers practical wisdom for everyday living. Beginning with a reverence for the Lord, these wise sayings lay out timeless truths regarding family relationships, personal integrity, work ethic, success, failure, and the future God intends for us. Come hear from the hearts of our Elders, as they lead our Gateway family to discover Wisdom for Life.
07.07  Fear Of The Lord vs. Fear Of Man // Proverbs 1:7 & Proverbs 29:5
07.14  Choose The Straight Path // Proverbs 3:5-6 & Proverbs 11:2
07.21  Learn From Your Mistakes // Proverbs 9:6-9 & Proverbs 16:9
07.28  The Gift Of A Good Name // Proverbs 22:1-2 & Proverbs 13:20-22


Family Movie Nite

Friday, July 26

Save the date for our next Family Movie Nite! We'll have water activities beginning at 6:00, as well as snacks to share throughout the evening! A family-friendly movie begins at 7:00. (For more info on the selected movie, contact the church office.)

Back to School Splash

Sunday, August 4 @ 6:30 pm

Don’t miss out on this fun, annual event! Come celebrate all that God has done in your family this summer at our Back to School Splash party! We're hosting this pool party for the entire Gateway family at The Lodge Des Peres. We'll have free popsicles, along with plenty of bottled water—invite your friends to join you!

Gateway's Starting Point Class

Sundays in August

Wondering what this Christian faith walk is all about? Want to get better connected to God? Or learn how He has designed you to serve? We have courses coming up at 9:00 am on three consecutive Sundays in August that you won’t want to miss: Our Live For Christ course is happening on August 11; our Grow In Christ course will take place on August 18; and our Serve Like Christ course is being held on August 25.

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